Thursday 26 July 2012

How To be An Attractive Woman To Men

The power of attraction is a very useful thing. There is a common misconception that physical appearance completely determines attractiveness, but this is simply not true.

If you want people to be drawn to you, there are a variety of things you can do as a woman that will have others flocking to you in time.
Be yourself. If you observe people at a party or any social gathering, you'll undoubtedly see the majority of guys drawn to women with unique (but not intimidating) personalities. It's never a plain Jane, following the herd, to whom they all gravitate, is it? So ask yourself, is there anything you could improve about your personality or who you are to make yourself more interesting and fun to talk to?

You can be pretty but still unattractive if you don't start to love yourself. Nobody will care how shiny and thick your hair is, for example, if you keep complaining about your waist size. Confidence is a powerful attractant, so you need to learn to be confident.

This will help you maintain your moral compass and keep your social life tidy.

The only opinion that matters is your own. Women have their own perception of beauty and what they think males find attractive. "Wear this," "Do that," "Show your left ankle; men love it, and they will respect you for it too!" Yeah, no. Even this list is mostly written by estrogen-infused homo sapiens who, just because they might be in a successful relationship, think the tips they got on Oprah were spot on. Example A, the Dress: women love dresses. "It's so beautiful, Tiffany!" Men see a moving curtain. So, yes, MR JOHN said you looked good as you walked down those stairs ready for prom, but that's because he had to. Example B, Makeup: in the pursuit of men, never wear lipstick or nail polish. Foundation is good, but don't make yourself look sticky and gooey (like Christina Aguilera).

Eyes take kindly to a woman who takes care of herself, and that means finding a happy medium for your weight, eating well, getting enough sleep and exercising. Plus, being healthy makes you more energetic, better for your mental health as well as adding to your confidence - who can resist that?

Blemishes (especially on your face) can be very distracting. Wear sunblock daily to prevent future wrinkles and sunspots. Wash your face regularly, and apply makeup to accentuate your complexion.

Maintain yourself so that you always smell and look fresh and lovely. Take showers, brush your teeth after every meal, wear clean clothes, etc.

They say that the hair is the portrait of the face, so it has to look great. Greasy or damaged hair is always unattractive. Always comb and brush your hair every day. Get a haircut or style that fits your facial shape.

A rude person turns ugly in the eyes of whoever who sees her, but a nice person turns into a prettier person in the eyes of everyone who sees her. Try to be nice to everyone, but be ready to defend yourself against any rude attitudes, since letting people walk all over you is not very attractive, now is it?

Don't walk around all the time with a frown or even a neutral expression on your face. Even a little smile will make you more attractive. What else could be more inviting and approachable? All in all, be readable. You don't have to be predictable, but for goodness sake, do not keep a poker face when it comes to emotions. Guys do not like to feel unsure. As bad as it is asking for directions, asking a woman how she feels can be dangerous! This is why so many guys won't do it if they can't already tell if a girl is into them or not. Don't smile too much though. Most guys these days fall for mysterious women. So smiling when men aren't expecting it can make them stammer.

Whether it's talking, eating, gaming, dancing, or snorkeling, it's only polite to join in. A person who just sits there watching might as well be wearing a flashing neon sign that says "I'm a boring person who doesn't like fun!" However, this does not mean you should join in drinking or partying if you're not into those things. To get involved, walk kindly up to them and ask, "Do you mind if I join you?" If they say yes, have fun! If they say no, that usually indicates that they are mean and not very open. Try to avoid people who don't even notice you or are excessively mean to you for no reason. If they say no, try to find some other people to try to be friends with.

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